As children grow up, they have different requirements for their room as they head into their teenage years.
When children are younger, they don’t need hanging space, as most of their clothes are folded up into drawers, all the toys are stored away in cubby holes and toy boxes and there’s probably a novelty rug on the floor along with the cartoon themed curtains!
Now that they have started big school their needs are different; somewhere to hang the school blazer and long trousers. Why not opt for joinery which can incorporate, not only, a wardrobe element with hanging and shelf space but also drawers below for storage for sports kit, equipment and other items that need to be out of sight.
As little children they were happy playing on the floor but now shelving for books and a desk for all that homework are essential, the joinery can incorporate these components too.
Lighting for studying, as they get older, is a must. Think about lighting for the homework at the desk, ideally an Anglepoise desk light. A bedside lamp for reading, if there’s no room on the bedside cabinet why not use a clip light on the headboard or hang one above the bed. If there is no socket near the bed why not look at a portable lamp which can be USB charged. Talking of beds, teenagers experience massive growth spurts which means your child will soon grow out of their single bed so make space for a small double, if there’s room.

Children go through phases as they grow up, from playing in their room with friends as youngsters to wanting no one in their room as young teenagers to then wanting a space to hang out with friends, when they are a bit older, so the area needs to function for work, rest, and play! Make sure that the space feels grown up, include your teenager in the design. Choose a less childlike fabric for the curtains, one which they will feel comfortable with as they grow into a young adult.

Think about multi-functional furniture, particularly if space is at a premium; perhaps an ottoman with storage that can be used as an extra seat but useful for storing teenage clutter. Possibly a sofa bed chair that can double as an easy chair or a bed, when they have a friend stay overnight. Make the space a bit funkier with an interesting wall covering, rug, fun lampshade.
Don’t forget to think about colour – whilst soft blues and pinks work well in a baby or toddler space, these colours are not so popular with teenagers. There is always the lady that is still living with pink walls well into her adult years but generally a change would be welcome.

Looking for an interior architect & designer to help you transform your kids' room to a teenager's pad?
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